EDS Summer University 2021 - Malta

16.5.2024 22:11

Event Report:

EDS Summer University 2021

Location:        St Julian, Malta

Date:               14th-19th July

Organisation: EDS – SDM

After two years of pandemics, EDS organised its first in person meeting in St. Julian, Malta. The Summer University was attended by more than 40 delegates from our member organisations. Thanks to the Hybrid set-up, the Secretariat gave the opportunity to follow the events from 30 different European Countries.

EDS organised this event in cooperation with our member organisations from Malta,

“Studenti Demokristjani Maltin” (SDM).

Covid has not only affected the ordinary continuation of our lives, but has influenced society,

markets, culture and politics. It has been important for us, the European Democrat Students, to discuss different ideas and foresee common solutions for the future of European youth and students. Alongside the Council meeting our members met the Leader of the opposition Bernard Grech, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malta andthe Minister for Gozo Island who addressed the Council on the future of international cooperation.

Also former EDS Secretary general Tomasz Kaniecki, former head of German delegation Helen Kerner and the leader of PN youth Joseph Grech took part in the Alumni panel and helped our member in understating the importance of european youth representation both from political and personal perspective. Finally, a very interesting conference on the Geopolitics of the Mediterranean has been organised together with the De Gasperi Foundation. During the Council meeting a new EDS Bureau led by newly elected Chairman Beppe Galea and Secretary General Ivan Botoucharov was voted. Furthermore, the Bureau also held its first Bureau Meeting of the working year 2021/2022. By order of their election results, the new EDS Vice-Chairwomen and Vice-Chairmen elected in the first round were:

Ramon Riera

Dora Hidas

Edvardas Lukosius

Iakovos Iakovou

Rayno Stoyanov

Rodolfo Biancheri

Kristjan Uhtid

Eleni Koufali

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