EPP Secretary General’s Letter To EDS

16.5.2024 22:11

Dear European Democrat Students,

It is my honour to contribute to this edition of BullsEye Magazine of 2023, a year that marks the beginning of an important time for our political family as we prepare for a number of national elections and the European elections that will take place in 2024.

The past few years have been turbulent, geopolitically, economically and societally. From a global pandemic to Putin’s illegal war in Ukraine, an energy crisis that has hit our citizens and businesses hard to sky-high inflation rates, the European Union has been confronted with many challenges. But this has also given us the chance to show solidarity and unity when confronted with difficulties. Once more the European Union has shown that in the face of crises, we stand together. 2023 is another opportunity to show that the EPP remains committed to providing European solutions for common European problems. The EPP campaign for the European elections in 2024 will ensure that we remain the biggest pan-European political party and the EU’s driving political force, delivering answers on the issues that matter to our citizens.

2022 was the European Year of the Youth, a project which proved vital in identifying the needs of the younger generations today and gave us the chance to listen to young voices on the political stage. Now the task is to show that we heard their calls for improvement and show willingness to make the necessary effort and changes in the run up to the next elections. The European People’s Party remains committed to incorporating new and innovative ideas on the European agenda, making our economy and societies more inclusive for all.

2023 is a year in which the collaboration between the EPP and EDS is of crucial importance in preparing the ground for 2024. We must listen to the voices of students across Europe, their ideas and their concerns so that our policies reflect their realities. With the rising cost of living, many Europeans are under financial pressure. Students in particular are struggling to perform well academically and pay for their studies, while also navigating the uncertain future and employment prospects. It is therefore more important than ever that political parties in Europe take into account the opinions of those students. EDS has always been a valued organisation within the EPP family and we count on their ongoing engagement and contributions this year.

As we approach the next European elections, we must work together to bring with us the centre-right, EPP values that make us unique - putting people at the heart of our policies and offering real solutions, instead of empty promises and slogans. The involvement and perspective of EDS and its network are essential in this process. As the future of our political family, I put great hope in our student organisation and I look forward to continuing our work together over the course of this year.

Thanasis Bakolas

EPP Secretary General.

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