New Winds of Optimism: EDS Summer University 2024 Embraces AI and Celebrates Milestones in Malta

5.8.2024 14:45

        From 31 July to 4 August 2024, the Summer University of the European Democrat Students (EDS) was held in Malta, co-hosted by its Maltese member organization Studenti Demokristjani Maltin (SDM) and bringing together 80 delegates from 25 countries, including from non-EU member states, under the theme of “Navigating the AI Revolution in Higher Education and Research”.
         The Summer University was officially opened by Chairman Beppe Galea with an opening address by Dr Lawrence Gonzi, former Prime Minister of Malta and the leader of the Partit Nazzjonalista from 2008-2013, who led Malta into the EU and the Eurozone.  
         On Thursday, the day was started with a panel discussion on AI’s role in transforming higher education and its implications for politics and governance with Dr Gege Gatt, CEO of, Prof Alexiei Dingli,  former Mayor of Valetta and associate professor in Artificial Intelligence at The University of  Malta, and Prof Alex Grech from Faculty of Media & Knowledge Science of the University of Malta.  The panel was continued by an in-depth analysis of the European election results with David Casa and Elmar Brok, a current and former Member of the European Parliament, respectively and Dr Mark Harwood, the Director of the Institute for European Studies at the University of Malta.  
          In addition, the delegates had an official meeting with the President of Malta, H.E. Myriam Spiteri Debono, with whom they discussed topics like educational cooperation with Northern Africa, female empowerment, law enforcement, the President’s role under the Maltese constitution, security, the war in Ukraine, and free and independent journalism.  
          The day was concluded with the Policy Working Groups discussions on motions prepared by the Co-chairs of the groups and the member organisations.  
          On Friday, the delegates visited the Parliament of Malta, where they received a tour by Opposition Whip Robert Cutajar, and the island of Gozo, where they met with Shadow Minister for Gozo Alex Borg and the Bishop of Gozo.  
           During the Council Meeting, the delegates listened to a video address by EPP President Manfred Weber and to an in-person speech from Opposition Leader Bernard Grech. They also adopted motions on topics ranging from AI and the situation in Venezuela, welcomed Lebanese Forces Students Association (LFSA) and discussed further internal matters.    
          The Council elected the new EDS Executive Bureau: Francesco Sismondini (StudiCentro Italy) as Chairman and Vladimir Kljajic (YFI Serbia) as Secretary General, followed by the election of Damjan Konjanovski (VWRO-DPMNE North Macedonia), Stefan Arsov (MGERB Bulgaria), Sotiris Paphitis (FPK Protoporia Cyprus), Chayenne Riolo (SDM Malta), Filip Gajic (HAZ Croatia), Irina Shatokhina (SM Ukraine) and Marina Christaki (DAP NDFK Greece) as Vice-Chairmen and Vice-Chairwomen.  
            During the Summer University in Malta, Vassilis S. Kessidis, who began his journey as Co-Chair and served two consecutive terms as Vice Chairman, was elected as Honorary Chairman of EDS following an almost unanimous vote by the Member Organizations.

            In light of SDM’s 50th anniversary, the Summer University ended with a gala dinner to celebrate this anniversary and highlight the important contributions that SDM has made to the Partit Nazzjonalista, EDS, and the EPP.

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