News from Winter University! ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ

5.8.2024 13:49

The European Democrat Students (EDS) held their Winter University in Bucharest, Romania, from the 7th to the 9th of March, focusing on the upcoming European elections. EDS members actively participated in the exciting sessions during the event and enjoyed the excellent food and the greatromanian hospitality.

We also participated in the EPP Congress 2024, in Bucharest, between 6th and 7th of March, as the biggest students delegation, with up to 50 delegates.

We met with Chief of Staff of President of Moldova Maya Sandu, Andreij Balutel and discussed about the current political situation in Moldova, political prisoners and borders limitation, and many other topics.

EDS Council approved membership for Liberal Students-CSL (Romania). Working groups adopted motions related to higher education and human rights. Considering our campaigning for the upcoming European elections, we have adopted, unanimously, our Political Manifesto with the title "Building Europe Together".

The winter edition of BullsEye magazine is out and focused on affordable housing for youth.

"I represent organisations which are excelling in academia, students which are in Universities, but also students who had to make a pause on their studies and are on the frontline, in Ukraine. We have an organisation from Ukraine, which always brings us expirences from the frontline and the hardships that they were undergoing and we are commited to helping them and supporting them in every thing that they need in the upcoming months.'' BEPPE GALEA, CHAIRMAN OF EDS

We started our trip to Bucharest from the vibrant opening of the EPP Congress 2024, in Bucharest. We are the heartbeat connecting the EPP with the next generation. Together, we embody courage and innovation. We are not just the present; we are the future!

EDS Vice-chairman Francesco Alimena has introduced our new members to Adrian Balutel, Chief of Staff of President of the Republic of Moldova, Maya Sandu, and former active member of EDS. He is also Adjunct Associate Professor. We discussed about the current political situation in Moldova and the progressing campaign for the upcoming elections. Furthermore, we continued our sessions with the Mayor of the 6th District of Bucharest, Ciprian Ciucu, who helped us to understand better the local communities and how important is to hear the citizens and make eco-friendly structures for a better way of life. Moreover we had an insightful conversation regarding political activism at a local level.

During the council meeting we approved the Liberal Students ogranisation of Romania (CSL) to become one of our esteemed members! This is a sign of the EDS' ongoing efforts to be the common home of European liberal, conservative, and Christian democratic student organisations.

During the Winter University in Bucharest and only some months apart from the European elections, our main topic of interest is strengthening the power of students' voice in the next formation of the European Parliament, presented by Vice-chairman, Axel Mouffron. Our voice is our power and students across europe support our campaigns regarding the involvement of students in politics. We share with you the whole conference resolution adopted by the EDS Council.

During our Winter university, we had time to socialise and reconnect. We enjoyed the perfect hospitality and excellent food in lovely Bucharest. We are happy to see many new faces in the EDS. We will continue to work on improving student and youth life in Europe. We can not wait to see you all soon! We use this opportunity to thank CSL Romania for hosting us.
We are more than happy to announce that SDM-Malta will be hosting us for our Summer University. We would like to thank them, in advance and invite all of you to our next event! Dates are soon to be announced, so stay tuned!

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